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The Algeciras Port Authority (APBA) held last Wednesday, July 13, the awards ceremony of the 3rd edition of the ideas contest “Travesía de la Innovación” (Innovation Journey). During the event, held in person on the premises of the APBA, the best ideas of its employees and participating entrepreneurs and technology companies were awarded. With the […]
The Algeciras Port Authority (APBA) hosted last Thursday July 7 the international meeting ‘OPS Meet Algeciras 2022‘, the second edition of this technical conference focused on analyzing the feasibility, utilities, benefits and successful applications of the OPS (Onshore Power Supply) system for the power supply to ships during their stay in port and its positive […]
The Algeciras Port Authority (APBA), together with representatives of Puertos del Estado, the ports of Valencia, Barcelona, Huelva and Castellón and the companies Siemens, Nokia, Prodevelop, GMV and Signify, took part last Thursday 16 June in the Smart Ports Forum, the sixth edition of a forum organized by Executive Forum, which also had the collaboration […]
After two years of absence, TOC Europe has once again brought together professionals from the global container supply chain in Rotterdam, with the aim of analyzing how the sector must adapt to the unpredictable economic climate, how new technologies are changing the rules of the game or what will be the best strategies in the […]
The Millán Picazo auditorium of the Algeciras Port Authority was the venue for the second event organized by the association Algeciras Port Youth Community. The discussion day, held on Wednesday May 25 and entitled “The Digitalization of the Port of Algeciras”, was attended by Gerardo Landaluce and Jesus Medina, President and CIO of the Port […]
The Port of Algeciras, represented by Jesús Medina, Head of the Technological Development Area, actively participated in the seventeenth edition of the World Conference Cities & Ports, organized by the NGO AIVP in Tangier (Morocco). The event, entitled Inspiring Blue Futures and held at the Hilton Al Houara Resort from May 11 to 13, brought […]
The Algeciras Port Authority, represented by Jesús Medina, Head of the Technological Development Area, and Enrique Martín, Director of the Innovation Office, participated in the new edition of the Smart Ports of the Future 2022 event that took place in Rotterdam (The Netherlands) on May 11 and 12. The event, which brought together more than […]
The Sevillian architectural firm Planho Consultores, which was awarded the contract for the drafting of the project, presented, last Monday 25th, the execution project of the Multifunctional Building to the Commission for the Port-city Development of Algeciras. The initiative, integrated in the Lago Marítimo Project, contemplates two of the three building pieces that will house […]
On March 15 took place the launching event of the project “Disruption of Port OCR“. A project of the start-up AllRead MLT, subsidized by Puertos del Estado through the Ports 4.0 Fund and focused on helping ports and terminals in Spain to automate and streamline the traceability of goods transported by rail in their facilities. […]
The Official State Gazette (BOE) published on March 10, 2022, the second call of the Ports 4.0 fund for its Pre-Commercial Projects program. This call regulates the granting, by Puertos del Estado, of public aid within the framework of the Plan to Promote Entrepreneurship for Innovation in the Port Sector. The Regulatory Bases of this […]
The Algeciras Port Authority actively participated in the 11th edition of the European Forum Transfiere 2022, the main R&D&I meeting in Southern Europe. This forum, which was held on February 16 and 17, 2022 at the Trade Fairs and Congress Center of Malaga, is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, the […]
APBA has renovated its innovation web portal (, improving its usability and adapting it to the new visual and verbal identity accompanying the ‘Journey to Innovation’ brand. This new image inspires innovation and communication, based on simple and modern shapes and with a value proposition summarised in the following slogan: “The reality of a new […]
In November, the Algeciras Bay Port Authority (APBA) took part in the informative breakfast organised by Diario del Puerto, entitled ‘Digitalisation and Innovation in the Port-Logistics Ecosystem’. The event, held in webinar format and welcoming over 200 people, was moderated by Miguel Jiménez, Director of Diario del Puerto, and featured the presence of Pilar Parra […]
In mid-November 2021, the Algeciras Bay Port Authority (APBA) took part in the seventh Young Professionals Conferences organised by the Technical Association of Ports and Coasts (ATPYC). The event, with this edition held online, presented a high-level scientific and technical programme and was focused on bringing the Port Community closer to various innovative initiatives developed […]
APBA and the Algeciras Technological Campus Foundation (FCTA) held the third edition of the ‘Algeciras Brain Port’ port-innovation awards in October, an initiative aimed at recognising the talent and contribution to the Port of innovative initiatives, created by university students or researchers, dealing with various aspects related to the port-logistics business. Just like the previous […]
The Algeciras Bay Port Authority actively participated in the second Innovation and Technology in Port Management Conference organised by the Technical Association of Ports and Coasts (ATPYC), held at the end of October 2021 in virtual format. The event, which was opened by Francisco Toledo, former Chairman of State Ports and Honorary Chairman of the […]
APBA the third edition of the ‘Journey to Innovation’ ideas contest in September 2021, with the aim of continuing to promote, encourage and incentivise innovation and (intra)entrepreneurship within APBA and its Port Community. This was a new edition of the open contest directed at all APBA employees, as well as students, researchers, entrepreneurs, users/customers and […]
The Distribution Committee of the Interport Compensation Fund, composed of the presidents of the 28 Port Authorities and State Ports, presented last October 14 the second call of the “Ports 4.0” Fund for ideas and business projects, with the same objective of attracting, supporting and facilitating the application of talent and entrepreneurship to the Spanish […]
The Port of Algeciras, represented by Jesús Medina, the new Head of the Technological-Development Department, actively participated in the Smart Ports 2021 symposium, held virtually in October and which brought together both institutional representatives from Ports and Port Authorities and technology companies involved in the development of innovative projects within the port-logistics sector. After the […]
The Algeciras Bay Port Authority, through its Technical Innovation Office, took part in the webinar ‘Artificial Intelligence in Ports and Freight Transport Applications’ organised by the European association ALICE, and more specifically by the ALICE Artificial Intelligence for Logistics Applications group, under the Systems & Technologies for Interconnected Logistics department. After the success of the […]
APBA has participated in the organisation of the first edition of the DIGITAL TREKKING PROGRAMME, a digital-training programme funded by the Cepsa Foundation and through which, over the course of three months, a hundred workers from Campo de Gibraltar were trained in new technologies and ways of working related to digital transformation and innovation. As […]