Innovative Public Procurement

What is the Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI)?
The Public Procurement of innovation (PPI) is an administrative action to promote innovation, aimed at encouraging the development of new products or services from the demand side, through the public procurement instrument.
This new tool for public purchases will be fundamental for the strengthening of innovative companies, by encouraging the private sector to make proposals of greater added value to solve strategic projects of the Administration.
How does it work?
- The administration demands innovative products services (not existing in the market)
- Companies co-develop innovative solutions with the Administration
- The client / end user has better public service at his disposal.
What benefits does it bring?
The main benefits to the actors are indicated as follows:
- Satisfy long-term needs
- Development of leading markets at the regional level
- Early demand and connection with suppliers
- Optimization of processes and obtaining savings
- Modernize the provision of the services
- Improvement in the image of the Administration
- More beneficial than a R&D+I contract
- Has a reference client
- Demonstration scenarios in real environment
- Share risks and benefits with the buyer
- Greater links with academia and technology centres
Client / final user
- Improvement of service quality
- Generation of qualified employment
- R&D+I of new business areas
- Generation of new business areas
What is purchased through the PPI?
The first thing that must be clarified is that through the PPI a solution-based process is not allowed to make the purchase. That is, it starts from a need of the Administration and is launched to the market as a challenge to be solved through the I + D.
What is the difference between Technical Dialogue and Competitive Dialogue?
The technical dialogue is an activity preparatory to a contract that can be used on a discretionary basis by the contracting authority, when it deems it appropriate, either for the innovative nature of the solutions sought, the specificity of their needs or other justified circumstances, provided that such advice does not have the effect of impeding competition. On the other hand, during the competitive dialogue, regulated in the TRLCSP (Consolidated Text of the Public Sector Contracts Law) in which the participants, rather than raising ideas and possible functional or performance specifications of a certain provision to be taken into account how much by the contracting authority, its solutions are already presented, which are complete projects of contractual provision. The call for proposals via PPI promoted by the APBA is part of the technical dialogue, in the definition phase of hiring.
What is the target behind an open call for ideas or market consultation through PPI?
The open calling for innovative ideas as solutions to the needs that the APBA launches via PPI:
- It is NOT an ideas contest
- It is NOT a call for aid for R&D&I projects
- It is NOT an open recruitment procedure
Who can present ideas through the Challenges Portal?
All those who receive an invitation from the APBA will be able to participate. Depending on the theme of the challenge, it will be aimed at a profile of an entrepreneur, start-up, consulting firm, universities, innovation or technological centers, etc.
What use will the APBA make of the proposals received?
The APBA will use the proposals internally and will publicize the final solutions defined by the APBA itself, for which it will have used or not any of the proposals sent in the framework of the open call of the PPI.
Do I have preference in the future for having been the proponent of the idea?
No. We do not acquire any right over the future development of the proposed idea. The procedure of the call itself guarantees the «equal treatment» of the participants in the future hiring and does not guarantee any preferential right to the proponents of the ideas. Participation in the call, dialogue or contacts with participants or exchanges of information may not lead to infringements of the community principles of non-discrimination and transparency or have the effect of restricting or limiting competition, or granting unfair advantages or rights exclusives not possible in the contracting procedures. At all times the confidentiality of the proposals presented in the framework of the open call of the PPI in the APBA is guaranteed.
Can I submit a solution that is patented?
The proposals must be free of commercial patents, copyright or any other copyright or business that prevents its free use by the APBA or any other company collaborating in the development of future projects. However, proposals that refer to non-commercialized patents may be submitted, indicating the proponent.
At what point is the exploitation model of the proposed idea defined?
In the bidding document, at the time of bidding, the conditions of the exploitation model of the proposed idea will be defined.
Can you ask about doubts and details during the call?
For each call an email will be provided to make the operative consultations that are considered appropriate about this procedure.
Where can I find detailed information about the Public Procurement of Innovation nationwide?
On the official Ministry of Economy and Competitivenesse, you can find information on the Innovative Public Procurement, as well as the “Guide 2.0 for Public Procurement of Innovation.”