The Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA) participated, last Wednesday, September 7th, in the conference “The digital transformation of the ports: new technologies, new ways of thinking and acting”, organized by the Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) and the Port Authority of Santander. This conference is part of the cycle of meetings “Port Week” organized by the UIMP itself and that has taken place in the emblematic Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander.
The meeting, held in person, was intended to give continuity to the one held last year under the title “Exponential technologies and their impact on ports and their logistics chains” and, under the direction of Santiago Díaz, Director of the Port Authority of Santander (APS) and Óscar Pernía, Founding Partner and Technical Director of Next-Port, aimed to explore, reflect and discuss some of the key axes around which the design, planning and implementation of digital transformation strategies in ports revolves.
To this end, the content of the event was developed along three areas entitled: “Technological architecture for digital transformation”, “Investing in talent” and “Digital transformation strategies”, with a total of 8 experts including representatives from the Port of Rotterdam, the National Port Authority of Peru and the Port of Algeciras.

On behalf of the APBA, Jesús Medina, Head of the Technological Development Area, participated in the third block, dedicated to show the casuistry of four relevant experiences of port digital transformation. Specifically, Medina presented the transformation process that APBA is developing to achieve its digital ambition of Last Generation Port (Intelligent, Synchromodal and Green). To this end, a digital platform is being developed for the orchestration of logistic-port operations, and innovation is being considered as a key and transversal business process. He also stressed that technology and innovation are not an end in themselves, but must be aligned with corporate strategy. Finally, he highlighted the importance of having digital leaders to foster the digital capabilities of the organization.
The meeting was aimed at the broad spectrum of executives, technicians and professionals that make up the port-logistics sector, both in the business and institutional spheres; as well as technology companies, researchers, students, university students, entrepreneurs and start-ups interested in the opportunities offered by the digital transformation of ports.

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