The Metropolitan Wanda Stadium home to Atletico de Madrid set the stage for the latest edition of Huaweis Enterprise Day, one of the reddest tech calendar events of the year and focused on the corporate world. Along strategic lines that are based on driving its customers digital transformation, Huawei hosted several exhibitions and […]
First Port of Algeciras Bay Open Innovation Day
The Port of Algeciras Bay Authority together with the Innovation Office (IDOM) hosted our first Open Innovation Day in the Millan Picazo Auditorium during last May. The conference was focused on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Ports 4.0 and welcomed more than 120 guests in our aim to use this as a meeting point for […]
Our involvement in the 5G Technology pilot schemes launched by is a public agency under the umbrella of the Department of Digital Progress in the Ministry for Economic Affairs. At the end of 2018, the agency launched a public tender for businesses to identify, develop and test out 5G technology pilot schemes to see if future investment by Spanish operators could be justified. At […]
1st Edition of the Algeciras BrainPort Award for Best Masters Degree Dissertation
APBA and the Algeciras Technological Campus Foundation (FCTA) presented the first Algeciras BrainPort Awards for port innovation at a ceremony held at FCTAs RD&I Building in Algeciras in April last, to reward the best Masters Dissertation from a selection of works submitted by various universities throughout 2018. Its aim is to promote applied research and […]
Algeciras Port looks for new solutions and ideas to 4 open innovation challenges
The Algeciras Port Authority have launched the second edition of the Innovation Competition Travesía de la Innovación. This new edition, sponsored by the APBA, is addressed to all those employees of Algeciras Port Authority as well as external agents who would like to join the initiative with innovative ideas that respond to the different challenges. […]
III Smart Ports Workshop: Plunge into Ports 4.0
Represented by our CIO, Mr. Francisco de los Santos, our port took an active lead at the III Edition of the Smart Ports Workshop: Plunge into Ports 4.0. The workshop was held at Sngulars headquarters in Madrid and brought together a host of delegates who represented Ports and Port Authorities, and the tech companies involved […]
Membership of the International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA)
Representing APBA, Ms. Maria Roman and Mr. Paco Saucedo received our IPCSA membership plaque form Hans Rook the Associations Chairman at a ceremony that took place on the 12th February last within the World Maritime Week international conference that was being held in Bilbao. Joining IPCSA was a key factor in the development […]
Alliance with TradeLens: the Blockchain platform driven by IBM and Maersk
At the turn of the year, APBA underwrote a partnership agreement with IBM to take part in TradeLens: an open and impartial platform based on a blockchain technology solution that had been the brainchild of IBM and Maersk. Its aim is to enhance transparency and visibility throughout supply chains. The co-working platform, launched […]
Algeciras Next Generation Port. The smart future
Summary: Algeciras Port Authority is developing next steps to consolidate the technology investment programs to impact business mainstream and transform the port into a seamless (end-to-end logistic integrated), operational excellent (no idle time at port´s scale) and intelligent (data-driven) logistic node. Particularly, Algeciras Port Authority is working towards an integral platform for full visibility, idle […]
Algeciras Port participates in the SPSC18 Conference organized by Port Technology International in Rotterdam
The Algeciras Port Authority, represented by Dr. Francisco de los Santos, had the honor to present in Rotterdam, in front of the shipping industry leaders, the main pillars of the digital transformation and innovation strategy and the most relevant projects related to the use of data sharing at both port and supply chain scale. The […]
Algeciras Port shares its technology and digitization projects in the JOC Container Trade Europe Conference
The 2018 JOC Container Trade Europe Conference held in Hamburg was focused on analysing major trends in container shipping supply, demand and capacity, and exploring and illustrating strategic and innovative opportunities to improve transit times and reliability, and reduce costs, whether through technology/digitization or operational and planning initiatives. The conference was organized in a mix […]
Interesting use cases in Ports worldwide of 5G Technology
Support for massive internet of things (IoT) is one of the three primary 5G use cases the other two are to enhance the mobile broadband and mission critical communications. Ports around the world are implementing trial 5G networks with the goal of enabling fast and high bandwidth communication. Ultimately, they seek to automatize commonplace […]
Facilitating start-ups in port-city innovation ecosystems
Summary: A start-up ecosystem is a self-governing habitat that is shaped much like a market, in that it cannot be meticulously controlled. Unlike a market, it can however be steered in a favourable direction. In the March 2017 issue of Journal of Transport Geography, Patrick Witte et al. discuss the relationship between ports, cities and […]
The Port of Algeciras Bay Authority (APBA) is collaborating with the start-up what3words to use its new address system inside the facilities of the Port of Algeciras. What3words is a start-up founded in 2013, and based in London, which has divided the world into a grid of 3m x 3m squares and assigned each one […]
APBA implements what3words to improve mobility and location services in Algeciras Port
The Algeciras Bay Port Authority (APBA) is collaborating with what3words, the location technology company that makes it easy to talk about location. Having identified that traditional addresses do not tend to everyday modern needs, what3words goal is to become a global standard for communication location. Globally, 70% of addresses will not take you to the […]
APBA and GOFIMA Research Group develop an environmental management tool for port waters
Algeciras Port Authority, together with the Physical Oceanography Group of the University of Malaga (GOFIMA), have developed a tool to support environmental management in the Port of Algeciras. The tool analyses the quality of water in the eight PAMUs (Port Aquatic Management Units) of the Port. This aims to comply with the recommendations of ROM 5.1-13 and highlight the results of […]
Algeciras Port Authority and Technology Campus launch the “Algeciras BrainPort” Innovation Awards to find the best masters thesis
The Algeciras Port Authority (APBA) and Algeciras Technology Campus Foundation (FCTA) open the registration period for the port innovation awards “Algeciras BrainPort”. The first edition initiative aims to recognize talent and promote innovation in the Port of Algeciras. The prize, valued at 1.200, and a six-month paid internship at the APBA will go to the best Master’s Thesis in the field […]
The Port of Algeciras shares its predictions and real-time weather information through a mobile app
The Environmental Control Panel (ECP) mobile app is now available for the Ports of Algeciras and Tarifa, complementing the existing website. Both applications allow access to the measurement stations real-time data and predictions and historical data of the main variables of interest (wind, waves and currents) in the Strait of Gibraltar, the Bay of Algeciras and Tarifa. It also […]
Pit-Stop Port Operations Algeciras
Summary: A pilot project which has explored the application of the Port Collaborative Decision Making concept regarding the optimization of operational processes related to port calls, through validated learning based on the development and implementation of a software prototype. To achieve this, an end-to-end approach has been applied, seeking to optimize both the entry – […]
Diálogo Competitivo para el proyecto Sistema Avanzado de Predicción de la Operatividad Buque-Infraestructura
Objeto del anuncio El procedimiento de Diálogo Competitivo consta de tres fases. La primera fase ha dado comienzo con el anuncio de la licitación y la presentación y posterior selección de los invitados a partir en el proceso de diálogo. Tras la notificación e invitación expresa se pasará a una segunda fase donde se lleva […]
The Competitive Dialogue for the development of a predictive system for vessel-infrastructure operations at Algeciras Port was launched
On March 5, 2018, the Competitive Dialogue procedure started, according to the announcement of the tender and the publication of the Descriptive Document of the innovation project “Advanced and predictive system for vessel-infrastructure operations” for the Port of Algeciras. The abovementioned document contains, on one hand, the functional needs, the objectives and the scope of […]