Summary: APBA is assisting in the development of the Digital Port-Logistics Service Platform (DIGITAL PORT) project within the framework of the Economy, Industry & Competitivity Department’s FEDER-INNTERCONECTA Programme. Co-financed by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) and EU Structural Funding, its aim is to pave the way for digitalising services in the port-logistics field. […]
Innovation Report 2019
The Innovation Report summarizes the main actions and achievements related to the innovation activity driven by the Algeciras Port Authority and its innovation ecosystem during the year 2019. This Report includes, on the one hand, all the projects and initiatives carried out by multiple stakeholders from its innovation ecosystem and, on the other hand, it […]
Coronavirus and the impact on global supply chains
Global emergencies such as the recent coronavirus outbreak and its massive impact on the economy show the need to immediately rethink existing supply chain thinking. The popular and established strategies work, but only when they are not disrupted, and we live in a world where disruptive events are ironically becoming the norm. In this context, conventional […]
AllRead Machine Learning Technologies is a Computer Vision Deep Tech Start-Up specialized in detecting and digitizing alphanumeric text in operating environments, using its own innovative image character recognition technology. The APBA is collaborating with this catalan start-up in the development of an innovative solution based on image processing and artificial intelligence that will allow automatic […]
Gartner Research: The Culture Hacking Roadmap
Summary: Culture hacking takes change off the horizon and inserts it into employees’ day-to-day life in a visceral, immediate, low-effort way. CIOs can follow a six-step process to kick off or reignite change and embed culture hacking in an overall culture change effort. The first step of any culture change, whether it involves hacking or […]
Modernisation and optimisation of operations, security and protection systems through 5G technology
Summary: This project is included in the initiative “Pilot 5G Andalucía” led by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the website, and currently being developed by Vodafone and Huawei. The project applies to 33 examples of use in industries such as energy, smart cities, tourism, agriculture, healthcare and dependency, security, emergencies […]
PROAS – Port Risk Optimized Advanced System
Summary: With our PROAS project, we aim to develop a Ship & Infrastructure Operations Forecasting System. The system is to be based on a predictive safety and efficiency tool for port operations that can assess the physical environment, the planning of ship calls to port and scheduled operations. Due to the fact that there are […]
Teleport 2.0
Summary: Currently, the Algeciras Port operates a port community system (entitled Teleport 1.0) that offers a series of services to the port community and comprises of two big blocks: Services directed to vessels (Teleport port services) and services directed to heavy truck traffic (Teleport heavy traffic). The Algeciras Port Authority (hereafter APBA) considers that the […]