APBA implements what3words to improve mobility and location services in Algeciras Port
The Algeciras Bay Port Authority (APBA) is collaborating with what3words, the location technology company that makes it easy to talk about location. Having identified that traditional addresses do not tend to everyday modern needs, what3words goal is to become a global standard for communication location. Globally, 70% of addresses will not take you to the […]
APBA and GOFIMA Research Group develop an environmental management tool for port waters
Algeciras Port Authority, together with the Physical Oceanography Group of the University of Malaga (GOFIMA), have developed a tool to support environmental management in the Port of Algeciras. The tool analyses the quality of water in the eight PAMUs (Port Aquatic Management Units) of the Port. This aims to comply with the recommendations of ROM 5.1-13 and highlight the results of […]
Algeciras Port Authority and Technology Campus launch the “Algeciras BrainPort” Innovation Awards to find the best masters thesis
The Algeciras Port Authority (APBA) and Algeciras Technology Campus Foundation (FCTA) open the registration period for the port innovation awards “Algeciras BrainPort”. The first edition initiative aims to recognize talent and promote innovation in the Port of Algeciras. The prize, valued at 1.200, and a six-month paid internship at the APBA will go to the best Master’s Thesis in the field […]
The Port of Algeciras shares its predictions and real-time weather information through a mobile app
The Environmental Control Panel (ECP) mobile app is now available for the Ports of Algeciras and Tarifa, complementing the existing website. Both applications allow access to the measurement stations real-time data and predictions and historical data of the main variables of interest (wind, waves and currents) in the Strait of Gibraltar, the Bay of Algeciras and Tarifa. It also […]
The Competitive Dialogue for the development of a predictive system for vessel-infrastructure operations at Algeciras Port was launched
On March 5, 2018, the Competitive Dialogue procedure started, according to the announcement of the tender and the publication of the Descriptive Document of the innovation project “Advanced and predictive system for vessel-infrastructure operations” for the Port of Algeciras. The abovementioned document contains, on one hand, the functional needs, the objectives and the scope of […]
Algeciras Port cooperates with the International Taskforce – Port Call Optimization
The taskforce Port Call Optimization is a consortium formed by Shell, Maersk, MSC, CMA-CGM and the Ports of Algeciras, Busan, Goteborg, Houston, Rotterdam, Singapore and Ningbo Zhoushan together with the international associations IHMA, UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO) and GS1. It should be mentioned that this international initiative is also supported by IALA, IHO, BIMCO, OCIMF, IMO and UK P&I. A […]
Successful participation in the “III Algeciras Port IT Symposium” Conference
About 200 people gathered at the “Millán Picazo” Auditorium in Algeciras to learn about the latest trends in Digital Transformation, Blockchain and Cybersecurity, as well as its application to the maritime / port logistics business. After the welcome and introduction, offered by the General Manager of the APBA, José Luis Hormaechea, the Chief Information & […]
The APBA launches a competition of ideas among its employees and direct collaborators
The APBA launches the first edition of the ideas competition among its employees and direct collaborators. The initiative is part of the program called The Journey of Innovation, with the aim of inspiring, systematizing innovation and favouring intra-entrepreneurship of the public entity. Participants will be able to present their ideas through the APBA Innovation Portal […]
The APBA begins the Journey of Innovation, a program of culture and innovation management that will make them an innovative public organization
Within the framework of the Program of Culture and Management of Innovation in the APBA, two workshops were organized for the Steering Committee of the APBA (who will lead the internal transformation with their example) with the following objectives: Achieve greater commitment and involvement of the organization to support innovation and thus enhance a culture […]
Maritime 5G will hasten IoT adoption in shipping industry. How the introduction of 5G will change the shape of shipping
With improved communication technology comes improved maritime communication. 5G is expected to facilitate the roll-out of smart drones that can return real-time monitoring of ships entering and leaving ports and improve ship-shore communications for ship traffic. In addition to providing a better connectivity for the internet of things sensors that can assist in search and […]
Maritime Innovation Lab (MIL). Launched by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
The MIL is part of the broader MPA Living Lab efforts and consists of both physical and digital aspects to serve as a co-creation platform for innovation. The purpose-built facility will create an environment that enables experimentation and the test-bedding of innovative port services and intelligent ship operations. It also supports the Sea Transport Industry […]
Algeciras Next Generation Port. The smart future
Summary: Algeciras Port Authority is developing next steps to consolidate the technology investment programs to impact business mainstream and transform the port into a seamless (end-to-end logistic integrated), operational excellent (no idle time at port´s scale) and intelligent (data-driven) logistic node. Particularly, Algeciras Port Authority is working towards an integral platform for full visibility, idle […]
Interesting use cases in Ports worldwide of 5G Technology
Support for massive internet of things (IoT) is one of the three primary 5G use cases the other two are to enhance the mobile broadband and mission critical communications. Ports around the world are implementing trial 5G networks with the goal of enabling fast and high bandwidth communication. Ultimately, they seek to automatize commonplace […]
Facilitating start-ups in port-city innovation ecosystems
Summary: A start-up ecosystem is a self-governing habitat that is shaped much like a market, in that it cannot be meticulously controlled. Unlike a market, it can however be steered in a favourable direction. In the March 2017 issue of Journal of Transport Geography, Patrick Witte et al. discuss the relationship between ports, cities and […]
Competitive Gain in the Ocean Supply Chain
The study entitled, “Competitive Gain in the Ocean Supply Chain: Innovation Thats Driving Maritime Operational Transformation” and completed by BPI (Business Performance Innovation) in collaboration with NVIS and XVELA, examines and debates how the logistical chain and maritime supply is facing the challenges and technological challenges and the new business models of the industry. The […]
Port Productivity: Finding new efficiencies through collaboration
The article “Port Productivity: Finding new efficiencies through collaboration” gives a summary of the main conclusions that were reached in the Workshop on Port Productivity organized in Hamburg at the end of 2016. In this event, the main Port Authorities, Terminal Operators, Shipping Companies and technological suppliers participated. the focus on identifying obstacles, needs, as […]
DP World Australia, DB Schenker, Hamburg Sud collaborate to experiment with the new Blockchain technology
The new system with blockchain technology called TBSx3 and of Australian origin has been successfully tested in the logistics chain that runs between the wine region of Coonawarra, in Southern Australia, and the port of Qingdao, in Northwestern China. Among the partners that participated in the pilot test were the terminal operator DP World Australia, the logistic operator DB Schenker, the Hamburg […]
PSA Singapore launches the creation of the PSA Living-lab for the co-creation of innovations in the field of logistic-port operations
The PSA Singapore Corporation, one of the largest terminal operators at the international level, with the support of the Economic Development Board (EDB) and the Port-Maritime Authority of Singapore (MPA) have created a «Living Lab» to improve the efficiency of operations in the terminals of the Port of Singapore. The PSA Living-Lab laboratory will allow […]
IBM and MAERSK bet on BLOCKCHAIN technology
IBM, one of the technological giants with more experience in Blockchain, and the Maersk Group, leader in container transport, announce a collaboration to digitize and expedite international trade transactions through the use of blockchain technology. The proposed solution will significantly streamline document management and bureaucratic controls, reduce fraud in customs controls and errors in annotations, […]
Globcurrent, optimization of maritime routes based on real-time data of ocean currents
The Globcurrent project of the ESA (European Spatial Agency) has merged the different measurements to generate an image of the daily sea currents during the last 24 years. Shipping companies may use this information to understand the characteristics of surface circulation in certain regions and obtain data in near real time, so that they can […]
Nxport, the new data platform of the Port Community of Antwerp
At the beginning of 2017, the Port Community of Antwerp launched the new digital platform NxtPort, an ambitious initiative that aims to increase the competitiveness of the Port of Antwerp through the strategic and innovative use of data. Through this project, the exchange of data between the different actors will be favored, the processes will […]
3D printing of metal parts in the Port of Rotterdam
The Port of Rotterdam inaugurated at the end of 2016 the first laboratory of additive manufacturing and 3D printing of metal parts focused on the port industry (3D FieldLab). The success obtained in the development of the pilot project during 2015 led to the construction of this FieldLab, which will be located in the Innovation […]
Innovation Report 2022
The Innovation Report summarizes the main actions and achievements related to the innovation and digital transformation activity driven by the Algeciras Port Authority and its innovation ecosystem during 2022. This Report includes, on the one hand, all the projects and initiatives carried out by multiple stakeholders from its innovation ecosystem and, on the other hand, […]
Innovation Report 2021
The Innovation Report summarizes the main actions and achievements related to the innovation and digital transformation activity driven by the Algeciras Port Authority and its innovation ecosystem during 2021. This Report includes, on the one hand, all the projects and initiatives carried out by multiple stakeholders from its innovation ecosystem and, on the other hand, […]
Innovation Report 2020
The Innovation Report summarizes the main actions and achievements related to the innovation and digital transformation activity driven by the Algeciras Port Authority and its innovation ecosystem during 2020. This Report includes, on the one hand, all the projects and initiatives carried out by multiple stakeholders from its innovation ecosystem and, on the other hand, […]
Innovation Report 2019
The Innovation Report summarizes the main actions and achievements related to the innovation activity driven by the Algeciras Port Authority and its innovation ecosystem during the year 2019. This Report includes, on the one hand, all the projects and initiatives carried out by multiple stakeholders from its innovation ecosystem and, on the other hand, it […]
II Award «Innovation Journey» to the best innovative idea
Summary Purpose of the award After the success of the first call, the APBA, called the second edition of the ideas contest of the Innovation Journey, with the aim of continuing to promote, encourage and incentivise innovative activity in the Port of Algeciras Bay (hereinafter, PBA). Unlike the first edition, in this call the APBA […]
II Premio Algeciras BrainPort a los mejores Trabajos de Fin de Grado y Máster (TFG/TFM)
Presentación de los trabajos Los candidatos a los premios deberán presentar los siguientes documentos: Resumen ejecutivo: síntesis de las principales características del trabajo realizado dónde deberá aparecer título, objetivos, problemática u oportunidad (justificación), alcance de la solución, foco de innovación donde se encuadra el trabajo, metodología, resultados, impacto y principales conclusiones. Se deberá presentar en castellano o en […]
I Award “Algeciras BrainPort” to the best Master’s Degree Final Project
Summary Purpose of the Contest The Innovation Awards “Algeciras BrainPort” to the best Master’s Thesis (TFM), sponsored by the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (hereinafter, APBA) and the Technological Campus Foundation of Algeciras (hereinafter, FCTA), aim to recognize the talent and contribution to the port of innovative initiatives, carried out by university students […]
I Award “Innovation Journey” to the best innovative idea
Summary Purpose of the award The APBA has been working for some time on what it calls the “Innovation Journey“, an initiative that aims to promote an innovative culture and create an innovative environment where its workers and collaborators can carry out innovative initiatives and ideas for the benefit of the competitiveness of the Port […]
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