APBA is the winner of the FIWARE Zone IoT Challenge 2020, a joint initiative by the regional Council of Andalucia and Telefónica
The challenge proposed by APBA was awarded the last edition of the FIWARE Zone IoT Challenge. Their challenge, entitled “Advanced platform for environmental management and sustainability in the Port of Algeciras”, was focused on finding allies and innovative technology solutions to obtain real-time data about the surrounding environmental factors (e.g. air and water quality, and […]
APBA launches a new challenge to the start-up ecosystem on how to enhance the use of AIS data for port and environmental management
APBA, through the Port Innovation Atlas programme, proposes a challenge to the innovation ecosystem with the aim to find start-ups and technology solutions on how to make the most of AIS data to improve decision-making and operational aspects. Among others, AIS data could be applied to: safety in navigation, ship performance assessment, environmental effects (e.g. […]
The Port of Algeciras participates in the European project ‘ePIcenter’ for the optimization of the logistics chain
The Port of Algeciras Bay has participated in the last hours in the launching of the European project ePIcenter, whose objective is the optimization of the logistics chain in the transport of goods, based on the development of technological solutions and in which Algeciras will act as a pilot port. The project, led by the […]
Deep Learning based technology of Start-up AllRead MLT successfully tested for tracking cargo in Algeciras Port
Through its Open Innovation Program, the Algeciras Port Authority (APBA) has successfully finalized a proof of concept whose challenge was to expand the control and monitoring network of cargo traffic within the port facilities using the existing network of cameras. The challenge was achieved by the start-up AllRead MLT, which has based its solution on […]
Technology to prevent infections in Algeciras Port: Corporal temperature monitoring in crowded areas
The Port of Algeciras Bay Authority (APBA), has installed thermal cameras in the areas of greatest passenger traffic in the Port of Algeciras, a project that is proposed as a pilot at the technological and operational level. In this way the dock of the Strait, which every year assumes a transit of more than four […]
APBA successfully tests a solution for autonomous traceability and geolocation of the cargo with Artificial Intelligence
The APBA, within the framework of its open innovation programme and in collaboration with IDOM, through the Innovation Technical Office, and Amazon Web Services as a technological partner, has successfully tested and validated an innovative solution in the field of advanced data science and artificial intelligence. The challenge, which consists of carrying out the traceability […]
The Port of Algeciras takes part in the Smart Port Conference organised by Telefónica at The Cube in Sevilla.
APBA attended the Smart Port Conference organised by Telefónica in February 2020 at the crowd-working space The Cube, located in the Cartuja Science and Technology Park in Sevilla. Over the course of the conference, in addition to being informed about the most advanced solutions offered by Telefónica in relation to smart and connected ports, APBA’s […]
APBA gets the UNE 166002 Certification for its Innovation Management System
Last December, APBA was awarded RD&i Management System certification by AENOR, crediting our Port Authority with UNE 166002:2014 Standard compliance to do research, development and innovation activities in the areas of logistics and port business. The award ceremony took place at APBA headquarters and was witnessed by our Chairman, Mr. Gerardo Landaluce Calleja; our General […]
APBA joins the European Technology Platform ALICE
APBA has joined the European Technology Platform ALICE in order to be part of the breakthroughs reached in the field of the Physical Internet. ALICE, officially launched in 2013, was created to develop an innovation, research and implementation strategy in logistics, in particular when it comes to the supply chain within Europe. Its aim is […]
Smart Ports Summit 2019 (Smart City Expo World Congress)
Our port took part at the 2019 edition of the Smart Ports Summit conference in Barcelona between the 19th and 21st November last. The event coincided with the Smart City Expo World Congress and aimed to disclose how ports could bring in new business, adjust to fresh global demands and even see a jump in […]
APBA adopts GS1 Standards to make our supply chains more efficient
At APBA, we have partnered up with AECOC-GS1 Spain, the Spanish delegation of the worldwide GS1 corporation that pioneers the main technological development and promotion standards. In an ever-increasing realm of data volumes, GS1 Standards enable everyone to share the same language to identify, harvest and share product, asset, service and positioning data throughout the […]
2nd Edition of the Algeciras BrainPort Award for Best Bachelors and Masters Degree Dissertations
APBA and FCTA launched the second Algeciras BrainPort Awards ceremony in October last to continue to acknowledge the talent and contribution of innovative initiatives of our university students and researchers who ponder all the aspects of the port-logistics business. Our own innovation for the awards ceremony was to award two prizes: one for the Best […]
APBA led a pilot scheme with Bizcargo.com and Port Community companies
Together with the Mitmynid start-up the founder of the Bizcargo.com platform and several Port Community members, APBA began a pilot scheme to enable Port of Algeciras Bay service providers to upload their services on the platform, thereby streamlining logistics planning and transportation to and from end customers (shippers) through our port. Mitmynid is […]
Algeciras Port participates as a panelist of The Real Value of Smart Data session at SDP19
The Algeciras Port Authority had the chance to participate in a panel discussion about the Real Value of Smart Data at the Smart Digital Ports of the Future (SDP19) hosted by Port Technology in Rotterdam. The panel session brought together the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), Navis, Miros-Group, Algeciras Port Authority and it […]
JOC Container Trade Europe Conference 2019
Our Port Authority sent a delegation to Hamburg (Germany), headed by Mr. Francisco De los Santos APBAs CIO all of who took an active role in the fifth edition of this conference in September. The event brought together more than 400 conference-goers and was organised into several expert logistics, trade and technology panels […]
Maritime Silk Road Port International Cooperation Forum (Ningbo, China)
At the end of July last, the V Maritime Silk Road Port International Cooperation Forum was held in the city of Ningbo (Zhejiang Province, China). In 2019, this forum coincided with the Chinese Maritime Forum, both being organised by the Zhejiang Seaport Group together with other business organisations and leading ports such as Algeciras […]
Prior Market Consultation: Predictive and prescriptive intelligence for the optimization of port logistic operations at Algeciras Port
On June 22, 2019, the preliminary market consultation regarding the innovation project Predictive and prescriptive intelligence for the optimization of port logistic operations at Algeciras Port was officially launched. The purpose of the consulted initiative is to optimize the operational processes, through advanced analytical techniques, associated to the passage of cargo flowing through the multi-terminal […]
APBA ramps up its partnership with the London what3words Start-Up
APBA increased its level of cooperation with the what3words company, a start-up that was founded in 2013 and has developed a new global address system, having identified the fact that the worldwide address system had not been good enough to cover every day needs. The start-ups aim is to become a global standard to point […]
Huawei Enterprise Day 2019
The Metropolitan Wanda Stadium home to Atletico de Madrid set the stage for the latest edition of Huaweis Enterprise Day, one of the reddest tech calendar events of the year and focused on the corporate world. Along strategic lines that are based on driving its customers digital transformation, Huawei hosted several exhibitions and […]
First Port of Algeciras Bay Open Innovation Day
The Port of Algeciras Bay Authority together with the Innovation Office (IDOM) hosted our first Open Innovation Day in the Millan Picazo Auditorium during last May. The conference was focused on Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Ports 4.0 and welcomed more than 120 guests in our aim to use this as a meeting point for […]
Our involvement in the 5G Technology pilot schemes launched by Red.es
Red.es is a public agency under the umbrella of the Department of Digital Progress in the Ministry for Economic Affairs. At the end of 2018, the agency launched a public tender for businesses to identify, develop and test out 5G technology pilot schemes to see if future investment by Spanish operators could be justified. At […]