
Summary: The Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA) has participated in the ePIcenter project, focused on enabling seamless freight transport, with a special focus on the technological and operational opportunities offered by the Physical Internet, synchro-modal operations and other disruptive technologies such as Hyperloop, Industry 4.0 and autonomous vehicles. The project, which has […]
Summary: According to a recent study, more than one third of the time spent by container ships in port is dedicated to entry and exit maneuvers, berthing, unberthing and waiting for port services. The remaining time corresponds to the actual loading and unloading processes. Factors influencing the timely arrival of the vessel in port include […]
According to information from UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), most of the 2.1 million tons of oil spilled at sea each year go undetected. The lack of awareness is mainly due to the limitations of the technologies used so far to survey areas of the ocean and detect oil spills with sufficient accuracy and reliability. […]
Summary: The Algeciras Bay Port Authority (APBA) actively participated in the Port OCR Disruption project, developed by the start-up AllRead MLT and focused on changing the paradigm of optical character recognition (OCR) in ports, enabling the ubiquity of traceability in port facilities by removing the financial and technological barriers to its adoption. The project, which […]
The management of the Operation Crossing the Strait of Gibraltar (OPE) is a challenge for the Port Authority of the Algeciras Bay every year. In addition to the existing uncertainty about the exact flow of people and vehicles arriving at the port, there are also the logical deviations from the theoretical planning of the preset […]
Summary: At present, bunkering operations in ports are not exempt from certain congestion problems, which can lead, in some cases, to delays in the start of these services to the vessel. Similarly, factors such as the lack of global visibility, coordination and real-time operational awareness of these operations could be improved. This would result in […]
Summary: The project has been based on the development of a mobile application, proper of the Algeciras Bay Port Authority (APBA), focused on complementing its communication channels and providing, in real time, relevant information of the Port of Algeciras, which will be useful, not only for the passengers, as main user of it, but also […]
Summary: The innovation project was constituted as a proof of concept (PoC) whose challenge was to provide, from the use of video images from the APBA’s Image Capture System (SCI), real-time information about the degree of occupation of the entrance and exit roads to different port areas as well as the arrival flows of trucks […]
Summary: One of the main data used as a reference to schedule and manage port operations are Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) and Estimated Time of Departure (ETD). The shipping agent needs to inform and update about such information. But generally, after the port call request occurs, estimated time data tends to remain static and […]
Summary: The innovation project was set as a proof of concept whose aim was to expand the tracking network of the cargo traffic in the port facilities, deploying the network of cameras already installed in the port area. The challenge was achieved by the start-up AllRead MLT, which solution based on artificial intelligence is capable […]
Summary: Pilot project for testing and validating an innovative solution in the field of advanced data science and artificial intelligence. The challenge, which consists of carrying out the traceability and geolocation of the cargo within the Heavy Traffic Terminal (TTP) of the Port of Algeciras, aims to manage the port resources in a more efficient […]
Summary: APBA is assisting in the development of the Digital Port-Logistics Service Platform (DIGITAL PORT) project within the framework of the Economy, Industry & Competitivity Department’s FEDER-INNTERCONECTA Programme. Co-financed by the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) and EU Structural Funding, its aim is to pave the way for digitalising services in the port-logistics field. […]
Summary: This project is included in the initiative “Pilot 5G Andalucía” led by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation through the website, and currently being developed by Vodafone and Huawei. The project applies to 33 examples of use in industries such as energy, smart cities, tourism, agriculture, healthcare and dependency, security, emergencies […]
Summary: Currently, operational processes that sustain world trade and logistics chains feature a high inefficiency rate, as well as a huge reliance on paper-based document processing: witness examples of such inefficiency in typical cargo delivery times, missing cargo and orders, or lengthy down-times at ports, terminals and logistics warehouses, together with inconsistent and outdated information, […]
Summary: A pilot project which has explored the application of the Port Collaborative Decision Making concept regarding the optimization of operational processes related to port calls, through validated learning based on the development and implementation of a software prototype. To achieve this, an end-to-end approach has been applied, seeking to optimize both the entry – […]
Summary: The objective of the project of modernization and automation of the access controls of Algeciras Port has been to increase the port security and improve inland operations, serving as starting point to the advanced tracking system. Particularly the project has focussed in the improvement of the vehicle and pedestrian access points and control measures […]
Summary Project developed in order to modernize the radio and telco resources and information systems supporting APBA and Port Community procedures as regards to operational coordination, protection and on-site port control, with the following targets: The project’s innovation: The project’s product: Applicability: To develop a better understanding of the SACR, this video contains a summary […]
Summary: The objective is to develop a specific operations management ICT tool for the Strait of Gibraltar Crossing Operation (OPE, in Spanish). This ICT platform/tool allows monitoring in real time the utilization rate of the temporary storage areas (parking) and managing port mobility more efficiently, taking care of any incident and guaranteeing maximum quality of […]
Summary: The objective of the OptiPort project is to develop a simulation and optimization tool for seaside port operations based on probabilistic techniques to support decision-making processes at strategic level (long term). This tool is very useful for port planning since it allows knowing the impact of certain decisions and evaluating the efficiency and quality […]
Summary: The project aims to develop the Algeciras Port Management System (PMS). As a first stage, the development is focused on seaside port operations. It should be said that a PMS is a broad concept, based on the integration of systems, which works as a unique interface platform and which allows coordinating/ monitoring port activities […]