Decarbonising Shipping: All Hands on Deck
Shipping has a dual challenge. It must meet the demand of the worlds growing population, with more ships and more voyages, while radically reducing its emissions. Sustainable challenges have been addressed worldwide and IMOs ambitious goals to cut green-house gas and carbon emissions impacts the shipping industry at every possible scale, including cleaner fuels, new […]
Seven building blocks for the port of the future. Where do you start when preparing your port for the future in a disrupted environment?
Traditionally, ports have been crucial nodes in the world’s international supply chains. As those supply chains have become increasingly fast, flexible and responsive, the role of ports has been transformed. Geographical location is no longer the only factor that counts. The speed, efficiency and reliability of transport flows, as well as the ease with which […]
The new normal. Fostering innovation while maintaining profitability and safety
Because of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the global trade and the whole shipping industry is adapting actual operational processes, business rules and ICT tools. Algeciras Port Authority is a good example of an entity which is continuously looking for innovative solutions which will enable nations to resume business and reopen their economies without assuming health […]
Hidrógeno verde. Una solución perfecta para los sectores difíciles de descarbonizar
Según los expertos, es la hora de centrarse en el Hidrógeno verde, es decir, aquel que se produce a partir de fuentes renovables y más concretamente mediante la electrólisis, convirtiendo el agua en moléculas de hidrógeno y oxígeno usando fuentes renovables, como excedentes de la energía eólica. A medida que avanza la transición energética, este adquiere cada […]
Next-Generation Wireless in Logistics. The evolution of wireless networks and the future of the Internet of Things (IoT) in logistics
Even before the current COVID-19 crisis, wireless communication technology was making headlines. Much of the recent interest has focused on 5G mobile data networks that are being rolled out in many countries. 5G promises a host of benefits for end users, businesses, and telecommunications systems operators alike, including higher speeds, greater capacity, and tailored services […]
Roadmap for decarbonising logistics by 2050 and the potential of Physical Internet
Transport as a sector is considered a growing contributor to global climate change. According to the International Transport Forum (ITF), freight transport accounts for about 39% of transport CO2 emissions and around 8% of CO2 emissions worldwide. It’s also a major contributor to air pollution. Road constitutes 62% of emissions, while sea contributes 27%, air […]
Digitally Connected Smart Ports. On the move to become Global Logistics Information Exchange Hubs
Ports are taking significant strides with digital transformation and starting to declare themselves as «smart«. Processes are digitalized, communities within the port are connected, and impressive gains in operational efficiency, regulatory compliance, and customer satisfaction are emerging. Smart ports, as important nodes in the global supply chain, have the opportunity to establish themselves as logistics […]
What is port-centric logistics?
PCL is a new concept, which largely refers to the transformation of the port into a space of supply chain innovation and collaboration. To meet current challenges, and prepare for future ones, ports and terminals must transform their operations. In doing so, they must become more sustainable and promote collaboration. In practice, this means making data […]
El coronavirus y su impacto en las cadenas de suministro globales
Las grandes crisis globales, como el reciente brote de coronavirus, y su impacto masivo en la economía muestran la necesidad de repensar de inmediato la conceptualización de la actual cadena logística y de suministro. Las estrategias logísticas actuales funcionan, pero no acaban de ser válidas cuando ocurren disrupciones de la cadena logística. Por lo tanto, […]
Gartner Research: The Culture Hacking Roadmap
Summary: Culture hacking takes change off the horizon and inserts it into employees day-to-day life in a visceral, immediate, low-effort way. CIOs can follow a six-step process to kick off or reignite change and embed culture hacking in an overall culture change effort. The first step of any culture change, whether it involves hacking or […]
The Future of Shipping. The positive impact of Just-in-Time port arrivals
Nowadays, the Shipping Industry follows two main courses of action. Dealing with competitiveness and efficiency in operations while pursuing environmental goals, driven mainly by public attention and IMO’s willpower. In this sense, unnecessary wasted time waiting for berth allocation and fuel consumption can be optimized, specially when available technology is already on our doorstep to […]
Standards and Harmonization. Where are we now and what is next?
The challenge is this: as standards have developed, standards organizations have diverged and even those using the standards have adapted their standards of choice to meet their own needs. The result is, of course, non-standard standards, as users take the basic standard and tweak it to suit themselves. Therefore, when people say there are no […]
La torre remota digital de control aéreo basada en inteligencia artificial. Caso de uso en Noruega dentro del Programa Europeo SESAR.
La firma española Indra presentó recientemente una solución de torre remota digital para el control aéreo basada en inteligencia artificial con el propósito de ejecutar procesos críticos de control aéreo sin la intervención humana. En concreto, el sistema emplea arquitecturas avanzadas de deep learning (aprendizaje profundo) entrenadas para llevar a cabo múltiples procesos operativos mediante […]
Maritime 5G will hasten IoT adoption in shipping industry. How the introduction of 5G will change the shape of shipping
With improved communication technology comes improved maritime communication. 5G is expected to facilitate the roll-out of smart drones that can return real-time monitoring of ships entering and leaving ports and improve ship-shore communications for ship traffic. In addition to providing a better connectivity for the internet of things sensors that can assist in search and […]
Artificial Intelligence improves ETA. An application to rail freight
The ELETAs project, agreed in the 2016 TEN-T Days in Rotterdam to boost international rail freight, has concluded that more accurate ETA data of freight trains are possible by means of algorithms. Once quantity and quality of data is ready for use, forecast methods using AI can achieve even higher accuracy rates than real-time information, […]
Port Community Systems. Taking Ports to the Next Level
In the past few years, the world’s leading ports have been investing in their digital ecosystems, in particular in creating Port Community Systems (PCS) to enhance their connectivity and boosting the efficiency by providing digital, real time information to all players in the port. Transparency around shipment status generates huge benefits for carriers, forwarders, shippers […]
Digital twin technology to improve port operations. Port of Rotterdam Roadmap and use-case
Port of Rotterdam, Europe’s largest port by cargo tonnage, is committed to becoming the first digital port by 2030, and the smartest port in the world. Part of that journey is their digital transformation initiative and the main aim is to be prepared to host autonomous ships by 2030. The digitization strategy is a multi-year […]
Intelligent Port Orchestration. AI and the future of port automation
At Element AI, they envision an AI-enabled port ecosystem that efficiently orchestrates the flow of vessels and cargo throughout the port and beyond. The emergence of intelligence-sharing platforms and the use of AI to improve the reach of planning systems offer the potential of major efficiency gains across port ecosystems. Human-in-the-loop innovations such as model […]
Claves organizativas para crear una cultura basada en datos. El caso de uso de Mercadona Tech
La creación de una cultura de toma de decisiones orientada a datos se puede ejecutar de muchas maneras y está claro que no hay una fórmula mágica que le sirva a todo el mundo. Sin embargo, existen determinadas buenas prácticas que deben estar presentes en cualquier proyecto que quiera poner la información cuantitativa en el […]
Maritime Innovation Lab (MIL). Launched by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
The MIL is part of the broader MPA Living Lab efforts and consists of both physical and digital aspects to serve as a co-creation platform for innovation. The purpose-built facility will create an environment that enables experimentation and the test-bedding of innovative port services and intelligent ship operations. It also supports the Sea Transport Industry […]
Algeciras Next Generation Port. The smart future
Summary: Algeciras Port Authority is developing next steps to consolidate the technology investment programs to impact business mainstream and transform the port into a seamless (end-to-end logistic integrated), operational excellent (no idle time at port´s scale) and intelligent (data-driven) logistic node. Particularly, Algeciras Port Authority is working towards an integral platform for full visibility, idle […]