CMA CGM Group has inaugurated Tangram, a global center dedicated to maritime training and innovation, located in Marseille, this facility aims to foster collaboration among CMA CGM employees, clients, partners, start-ups, and academic institutions by offering specialized training programs in climate, artificial intelligence, and leadership, developed in partnership with leading universities. This center has been […]
AMURA-ZIDAY: intelligent solution for early detection of oil and wastewater spills
According to information from UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), most of the 2.1 million tons of oil spilled at sea each year go undetected. The lack of awareness is mainly due to the limitations of the technologies used so far to survey areas of the ocean and detect oil spills with sufficient accuracy and reliability. […]
The APBA participates in the final conference of the European project ePIcenter
Last May, during the 22nd and 24th, the final conference of the ePIcenter project was held, with the participation of the Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA), represented by its Technical Innovation Office. The event, organized at the facilities of the University of Applied Sciences of Emden/Leer (Germany), brought together the project partners […]
Participants of the Algeciras Port Digital Academy program get to know the Port of Algeciras on a maritime visit
With the aim of bringing the port activity closer to all the members who are part of the Algeciras Port Digital Academy initiative, the Port of Algeciras hosted, last Thursday, April 11, a boat tour for students, teachers and collaborators. During this fun and educational day, attendees had the opportunity to embark on a tour […]
The Ports 4.0 Fund launches its third call for Commercial Ideas and Projects with 6.75 million Euros
The Official State Gazette (BOE) published, last December 28th, 2023, the new call for the Ports 4.0 fund for its Ideas and Commercial Projects program. This call regulates the granting, by Puertos del Estado, of public aid within the framework of the Plan to Promote Entrepreneurship for Innovation in the Port Sector, with the aim […]
The Digital Innovation Center of the Port of Algeciras as a Natural Evolution of its Port Innovation Model
The port and maritime transport sectors are immersed in a dynamic and uncertain scenario marked by a series of unprecedented challenges. Firstly, the positioning of ports as intermodal logistics hubs, at the epicenter of global logistics chains, determines the new role that these enclaves are destined to play. Their transformation process is an unavoidable issue […]
Practical application of the digital twin and AI at the Port of Algeciras – A pilot for optimazing ferry operations
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is everywhere and is being utilized on many fronts, producing good results from narrow scopes. Whilst image recognition is going beyond traditional OCR systems and video analytics are being used to measure truck queues, the broader introduction of AI in ports and terminals to make them more efficient, safer and sustainable is […]
Port OCR Disruption
Summary: The Algeciras Bay Port Authority (APBA) actively participated in the Port OCR Disruption project, developed by the start-up AllRead MLT and focused on changing the paradigm of optical character recognition (OCR) in ports, enabling the ubiquity of traceability in port facilities by removing the financial and technological barriers to its adoption. The project, which […]
Underwater noise monitoring system and cetacean tracking system
Summary: Ports are essential allies for the development and growth of the Blue Economy as they are the physical interface where all industries and sectors related to the oceans, seas and coasts can converge, both those based in the marine environment (maritime transport, fishing, energy generation) and those based on land (ports, shipyards, aquaculture on […]
Just in Time Bunkering Operations: AI model for bunkering operations optimization.
Summary: At present, bunkering operations in ports are not exempt from certain congestion problems, which can lead, in some cases, to delays in the start of these services to the vessel. Similarly, factors such as the lack of global visibility, coordination and real-time operational awareness of these operations could be improved. This would result in […]
Smart Mobility Analytics (SMA): intelligent management system for port mobility
The Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA) is participating in the Smart Mobility Analytics (SMA) project, aimed at developing a system based on cameras and artificial intelligence, through the application of advanced detection algorithms based on neural networks, capable of analysing passenger and vehicle flows. The resulting product is an integrated mobility management […]
Maritime Lagoon: The New Innovation District and Port-CityInteraction of Algeciras
The culture germinated or inspired in port cities, in addition to expressing itself through its different modalities such as music, plastic arts, technology, as well as other areas of human creativity, needs to express itself in architecture and urbanism. In Europe, almost 40% of the population lives in medium-sized cities, such as Algeciras. The social, […]
VIPE – Vulnerability of Port Infrastructure from Space
Summary: The Port Authority of the Bay of Algeciras (APBA) participates in the VIPE project, focused on developing a tool for managing the risk and vulnerability of port infrastructure through the application of Synthetic Aperture Radar Differential Interferometry technology (DInSAR for its acronym in English) and artificial intelligence algorithms. The project, which has a grant […]
SIMHUB: predictive and prescriptive platform for decision-making optimization
Summary: The project is part of the objective of the Port of Algeciras to become a Hub for Digitalization and Logistics Innovation and, specifically, within the set of technological projects that will allow to possess an Advanced Digital Platform for Port Orchestration. The project is developed in collaboration with the start-up NextPort, invested by the […]
Advanced platform for environmental sustainability management in the Port of Algeciras
Summary: This project is part of the FIWARE ZONE IoT Challenge and is developed by the start-up HOPU, winner of the challenge entitled “Advanced platform for environmental management and sustainability in the Port of Algeciras” in the 2020 edition. The scope of the pilot project consists of the development of a solution based on Artificial […]
PROAS – Port Risk Optimized Advanced System
Summary: With our PROAS project, we aim to develop a Ship & Infrastructure Operations Forecasting System. The system is to be based on a predictive safety and efficiency tool for port operations that can assess the physical environment, the planning of ship calls to port and scheduled operations. Due to the fact that there are […]