The Innovation Committee of the Port of Algeciras Bay organized, last January 22, a new meeting to take stock of the results obtained in 2024 and where the main lines of work for 2025 were established. On this occasion, the session was held at the Innovation Center of the University of Cadiz UCA-SEA, the first building of the multifunctional complex of Llano Amarillo in Algeciras, which will form an innovation district of international reference.

The day began with a guided tour of the center’s facilities coordinated by Professor Ignacio Turias and the director of the Polytechnic School of Algeciras, Paloma Cubillas, where attendees were able to learn in detail about the facilities and the activity carried out by the different research groups in laboratories such as the Smart Cities & Ports Lab or the Smart Manufacturing Lab, among others.

Next, it was the turn to take stock of the successes achieved in the first year of the Committee’s activity. Jesús Medina, Head of APBA’s Technological Development Area and Chairman of the Committee itself, took the floor to highlight the different results achieved and the joint innovation initiatives promoted by this working group. He was also in charge of outlining the work plan for 2025, with a first focus on the dynamization of innovative proposals from the Port-Logistic Community of Algeciras.

The day concluded with a Challenge Identification Workshop for the Port Community of the Bay of Algeciras, led by IDOM’s Competitiveness and Innovation team, which identified key challenges and explored opportunities for joint innovation in the port-logistics field.

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